The fall of an Empire?

February 21, 2016 Off By Tahir Ali
Empire Season 2

Empire Season 2

Empire is currently on their “winter break.” I actually started writing this article while it was still on the air for season 2 and still felt that it needed to be shared. After a couple of weeks returning for season 2 the ratings did decline. So my question is, did the “Empire” fall or were our expectations set way too high? Season 1 came in with a vengeance and caught many people’s attention. How can a show this raw, this real be shown on network television in this day and time? It was amazing! It was everything! The show said and did whatever it wanted to. They didn’t shy away from controversial topics. However, when season 2 came along, something just didn’t set right with many of the viewers. There have been conspiracies as to what is making this once (even-though it’s only been on for a season and a half) record-breaking show fall from grace. Or has it really? It was reported that the viewership at one point was down 3 million views and counting. Personally…I do think there are some factors that may be contributing to its decline in ratings, but it’s definitely not what’s being pushed into our minds as the reason. And yes the main thing I am talking about is this “gay agenda” that so many people are suggesting is the ONLY reason the views are struggling. I can’t do anything but laugh at the term “gay agenda” and say…WHAT? But more on the “gay agenda” in another post. Let’s get off the non-sense and look at some real possible reasons as to what may be happening over there in the land of Empire.

Let’s start off with all of these celebrity cameos. Can we say OVERKILL? It was just way too much. I’m not going to even list all of the celebrities that graced us with their presence because that would just extend this post for no reason. I mean there were enough cameos in the season premier alone to suffice 3-4 seasons of the show. Hell…within the first 5 minutes of the show was too much. All of that was not necessary. Next is the storylines are all over the place. I get confused real quick while watching a show. There’s no consistency in the storyline. Certain things happen in the next scene or two and I’m like…”WAIT? HOW? WHEN?” I need them to set up from scene to scene. I know they can do it because they did it last season very well. Last season we definitely got spoiled because it was fully entertaining the entire show. They were constantly hitting us with something to keep us on the edge of our seats. Now…there are only sprinkles of excitement throughout the show. I get bored, then when something happens and I feel that it’s going to pick up…I go right back to boredom. I know that it’s network TV and they have bills to pay, but they tried it with the lie of ‘limited commercial interruption.” Over that!

The cast…There’s no character development. No growth at all. Hakeem is still a spoiled brat working on an album that may or may not ever come out. Jamal is trying too hard to be a bad guy but it’s not working, it’s not believable. I understand he’s trying to run Empire and have his music career, but…shouldn’t he show more strength being the job and responsibility he was “given?” We all know Lucious is still running the show, but at least play it off a little. Speaking of Lucious, I really don’t know how you can grow his character. He’s the same person he was last season. I would like them to continue dipping into his past, but these little scenes of his bi-polar mother (hey Kelly) need more to them. Andre is the only character that may have shown as a developing story. We see that his mental illness is hereditary. Like many of us, he will not get the help he needs. He’s so worried about getting back onboard with Empire that it’s making him crazy. Cookie’s character is still Cookie and I LIVE! (She won a People’s Choice Award) And finally they started to delve more into her past. I always wanted to hear more about her time in jail and I’m glad that they did touch a little on that. It’s obvious that she loves her sons, is into the business that she helped start and still has feelings for Lucious (and him vice versa) but I know that there’s more there that hasn’t been explained. Lastly…SHOW MORE BECKY!!!!!

Let’s keep it real. After a huge first season, many popular shows don’t have that same excitement. Empire reminds me of Orange is the New Black in that sense as to where season 1 gave us EVERYTHING and then some, where you could identify and relate more with them season 2. So they take us back and introduced the characters and their past a little more. I believe that this is much-needed in a show that they would like to have longevity in. We as the viewer are just spoiled and always wanting perfection when it comes to something that we are spending our precious time on. The funny thing is I see so many people dogging the show, but still live tweeting throughout the show. You may be shading it, but you’re still tuned in. I don’t care what anyone, including 50 Cent has to say…this show still has my attention and I still look forward to it returning for the continuation of season 2.