Oh…So now that it effects you…
I’m sorry, but I find it hard to dig up any bit of an ounce of sympathy for these Trump supporters who are now regretting their vote. I find it laughable. This is one of those things that’s funny, but not funny. This fool campaigned for almost two years prior to the election and showed who he was. He told us who he was. Even though he has lied about pretty much everything; there are also many things that he said he would do and he’s actually signing them and making them reality. I mean, what? Did you think this was a game? Did you think he was joking? Opposers of Trump weren’t just speaking out for the fun of it. Many of us warned them what was going to happen. So if you still voted for him after all of that and now you regret it…go ahead and live with your decision. In nine days he proved that he doesn’t care about anyone but himself. He’s on a dangerous power trip and we, the American people will be the ones to suffer. What he’s doing is not only unconstitutional, but also very un-American.
I don’t feel sorry for them the same way I don’t extend a hand of unity to those who opposed President Obama until he did something to benefit them. For example; these people coming out defending Obamacare. They were never supporters of President Obama until Obamacare saved their life, or a family members life. Do you want a cookie? Now, let me say this, I’m glad that you are here, alive and well to tell your story, but this goes to my point. You never know what’s going to happen until if personally effects you.
I’m seeing all of these tweets, post, etc going viral of people who voted for Trump going off and upset because he did exactly what he said that he was going to do. But…since his ridiculous decisions now effect you, such as; losing your health care, him acting like a child and not a president, the “Muslim Ban,” Federal Hiring freeze and possible pay freeze…I seriously could go on because he’s signing “Executive Orders” like he’s signing checks to bounce. Ooops. But why is it a problem now? Why are you so ashamed now? You want him to change and act “presidential.” You were okay with the thought of white supremacy. You were okay with his open hate speech. You were okay with the thought of banning terrorists. You were okay with believing Hillary Clinton was dishonest because she send and received emails from an unsecured server. I guess we’re going to ignore how the big orange troll and his administration are using their personal, unsecured cell phones and unsecured email accounts still. We’ll just over look that. You should’ve opened your eyes back when he started naming all of these known racists, sexist, homophobic, misogynistic, TOTALLY unqualified people to his administration. Did they not realize these were people who donated huge amounts of money to his campaign of hate? Just look who he nominated for Education Secretary. She wants to dismantle the public school system. That it’s That’s all she wants to do. She wants to make repaying student loans harder by taking away programs that help us pay them back and make interest rates higher. And that was just one person. The rest of them are as equally dumb and unqualified. They’re just rich.
But I digress…This is so hilarious to me. Funny, but not funny. We all know that’s never going to happen. He’s not going to change who he is. This fool is who he’s always been. It’s like getting married to a cheater (no pun intended), but you think marrying them will change them..but..in this instance you thought him becoming President would change him. Yeah…okay! He doesn’t even have the decency to address his supporters who are having issue with what he’s been doing. You want to know why? It’s very simple…he never cared about what they wanted, what they needed or what would benefit them. He just needed their vote. The hate for having a black President blinded them to think white is right and everything will be perfect once again if we get this rich, white business man in the White House. Fooled ya! This is all about him and what he wants to do. And what he wants to do, he’s going to do. Point, blank, period! Just know, the people who voted for him and those who didn’t vote at all because you are so woke and in tune or act like you just didn’t care…now you have to live with this decision of what you are helping this country become. You sure helped “Make America Great Again!”
P.S. To those Trump supporters who didn’t even know that Obamacare and the Affordable Care Act were the same thing. I really have absolutely nothing for you. You absolutely get what you deserve.