All Summer 18’…Columbus Commons Summer Schedule
It amazes me how many people have lived in Columbus FOREVER and don’t realize that there’s so much to do in this city. Columbus has events going on all year-long…all over; with a majority of the events happening in late Spring throughout the Summer. When they knocked down City Center Mall, I was so devastated. That was my spot. And when I heard that they were going to turn my beloved City Center into a community park…I promise I still wasn’t impressed one bit. However, over the years; I have grown to appreciate and even enjoy The Columbus Commons. Below is the link to their summer 2018 schedule. There activities include fun for the entire family. Whether it’s stuffing your face at the Food Truck Festival, Yoga on the lawn, grown folks concerts, family friendly movie nights…and so much more. Ok…jumping off my soapbox. Here’s the 2018 calendar of events at the commons: