Dear Andrew Caldwell…….SUS!!!!

Dear Andrew Caldwell…….SUS!!!!

May 4, 2018 0 By Tahir Ali
Enough is enough girl! These shenanigans have gone on for far too long. It’s painfully obvious that you have SERIOUS, I mean SERIOUS mental issues. It’s apparent that your church (COGIC) is taking advantage of that disability you strongly possess. They’re using you to promote their homophobic agenda. Now First Lady…it’s obvious that you’re still gay AF! Let’s just call a thing a thing and put it out there. GAY!!! The COGIC don’t have to say anything because you get on Facebook and Instagram saying hateful things about the LGBTQ community while you’re out here flaming hotter than a rocket ship ready for take off. The crazy thing is that they’re actually people who believe and support you because they love a good “I’m not gay no more” story…which isn’t a real thing by the way.
I actually sat here for the past few days while working from home and watched a lot of your videos just to try to get an understanding of WTF is going on with you. (Shout out to The Usher Board and Heathen Central on YouTube) All I saw and heard was a bunch of craziness, delusions, stunts, shows, lies, unstableness and mis-pronounced words. This shit is ridiculous! This is what I constantly heard from you in your videos. You still want people to think your gay ass is “delivert from homosexual.” Your words…not mine MOTHA! You said that Kris Jenner wants to manage you. You’ve hung out with the Kardashian’s because they only liked a video or something; if that’s even true. You always refer to yourself as a celebrity. GIRL! You send gifts to yourself and say that they’re from your celebrity friends. These gifts always appear around the first of the month. That SSI check comes right on time don’t they sis? The most recent stunt you pulled is a gift from “May Floyweather” BKA Floyd Mayweather. You said that you take “little jobs” to stay humble. We see you’re at Target most recently. You get on here speaking in tongues but you’re actually not. You say you have a staff. You say that you have lawyers always coming to you with who to sue. You say that people keep coming to your house stalking you, but your personal security stops them. You do 45 minute videos yelling at everyone and crying. You rent Mercedes-Benz saying that they all are your’s. I watched you do a u-turn, pick some random car talking about they were following you. Sis…that car came out of nowhere. They weren’t following you. But you did proceed to follow them onto the freeway telling the viewers to get their license plate number and call the police. Now…what if it was light and someone watching did get their license plate number and called the police on an innocent person because you have this fantasy of people following and stalking you. Guuuuurrrrrllllll! I mean…and that’s not even all of it.
Now let me tell you what you actually are and aren’t; what you do and don’t do. You’re a compulsive liar. You can’t pronounce simple words. You aren’t a pastor and your testimonies you give are jokes. No one is asking you to speak at their functions. You aren’t getting a salary from Facebook because they don’t do salaries, they pay by clicks and adds like every other social media format. Speaking of which… in the same video you quoted three different salaries that they’re going to pay you. First you said $40,000, then 30,000, then you said $100,000. You’re not even a good liar. if you’re going to be a compulsive liar…at least be a good liar. If you’re going to be crazy…at least own your crazy. SUS…get your life together immediately because as soon as you fall into the 15 minutes of fame graveyard…then what are you going to do? You better make sure you keep this Target gig girl!