Why I don’t support Columbus Pride

I know some of y’all are like…Here she goes with her boycotts again! And I’m like…”YOU’RE DAMN RIGHT!” I treat people, places and things exactly how I’m treated. I don’t go anywhere or deal with anyone where I’m not wanted, respected and/or appreciated! So here we go….
It’s Pride week here in the capital city. The one week where the LGBTQ community and allies pretend to be unified. The lies! I haven’t been to a pride festival in five years. The reason for that is because I have noticed a while ago the discrimination people of color have faced. This isn’t a new issue to me. My ‘wokeness’ to all of this didn’t start with the Orange Devil’s administration. Oh no…I noticed all of this year’s ago. Many people think that I’m lying when I talk about the racism and segregation within the community. To some…the only letter in the acronym that matters is the G…Gay, Gay Gay! And to be more specific…Gay white men and then white lesbian women. But the community mainly focuses on and caters to white gay men. The issues that they face (which are soooooo minor compared to everyone else in the community) are put above everyone else and what they’re going through. I’m over it. That’s why I laugh so hard when white gay men talk about being discriminated against. Now…I know that it happens, but at the end of the day you are still a WHITE MAN! But it’s always been like that, especially in big cities with large LGBTQ communities. Stonewall was originally started by people of color; mainly transgender women. yet…people of color and transgender men and women are ostracized and made to feel inferior. Hmmmmm…sound familiar? Like everyday life huh? Yet…Stonewall Columbus never defends anyone of color. Like last year’s shenanigans during the pride parade where four black people IN THE COMMUNITY protested about people of colors rights and mainly black transgender women who are getting killed and they stay silent. But no one stops or arrests the crazy ass anti-LGBTQ fools that interrupt the parade every single year. Oh no…they get police protection. They’re exercising their right to protest. But like every other time that black people protest anything, it’s a problem; they’re being a problem. Why did it need to come to that? Why isn’t the community especially the “power gays” not addressing these issues within the community. No one came to the protestors defense. Not even Stonewall until they were called out publicly. And when asked publicly…still to this day; they always state how they understand the plight and fight of people of color; yet…nothing is happening. A YEAR LATER…NOTHING!!!
But of course there were plenty of people talking shit about the protestors because they interrupted y’all’s little punk ass parade. They never defended them because they don’t care. And let’s not forget the post that went viral regarding a fight at Axis Nightclub between a black gay man and white gay man…and all of the racism spoke within that post from so many people. Yep…I’m done! A few showed some concern for a hot second and acted like they were going to do something, but like many other hot button issues that don’t affect the majority; their concern and fight didn’t last past the couple of meetings and discussions that happened. I haven’t heard anything else about it. Many within the community stayed silent and to this day remain silent. Where is the community when the black transgender women are out here being killed? It’s the same thing with these feminists movements. They don’t get behind black women and other women of color. They’re plenty of things that happen to LGBTQ people of color yet it never becomes an issue worthy of fighting for, from those who are put in positions to fight and protect us all. Unless it’s marriage equality, a baker refusing to bake a cake for a gay couple, Chick-Fil-A or any other business openly discriminating against the LGBTQ…then it’s an issue. Yes…I agree open discrimination and fighting for equal rights is important; of course I agree with that; however it appears that murder of people of color and discrimination within the community isn’t as important. That’s because it doesn’t affect the majority…which are white.
However; let’s not act like there aren’t any problems within the black LGBTQ community. There’s plenty going on as well. Gay men vs lesbian women. Gay and lesbian women vs the transgender community…and EVERYONE vs the Bisexual community. That’s why I’m so happy that this show “Pose”on the FX channel is on television because it’s such an accurate description of the community. Even though it’s set in the 80’s…like everything else that was fought for…not much has changed. So now they want to have the “Community Pride Festival: Back to Our Roots” which will be held Saturday, June 16, 2018 at Mayme Moore Park; 11:00am – 7:00pm by the way. This festival is to celebrate the Black LGBTQ community in our own space without discrimination and with a focus on the needs of this part of the community. I’m definitely here for all of that! Truth be told…in this day and time…we just need to have our own. The way I’m feeling about things period; I’m all for segregation right about now…just saying. More of that in a separate blog later. It’s just crazy that this is even necessary though; especially during Pride week, but it needs to happen. It shouldn’t have even came to this, but at this day and time it’s necessary. I’m going to try to make it down to Maybe Moore Park at some time, after my writing work shop…yes it’s about to get real over here. More on that to come later as well. Let me just say this…I’m at a point in my life where I’m doing what makes me happy, what makes me comfortable and what makes me proud.,,,and supporting Stonewall Columbus Pride is not one of those things. Do what you want…but sis won’t be a part of it until a huge change happens. We need to take care of ourselves first and foremost. This goes for every person of color regardless of your sexual orientation…EVERYONE. We have a few allies (very few) willing to speak up and support us openly; the other one’s are scared to. If they weren’t scared; they would speak out instead of just liking social media post. I’m just saying. So pretty much I just want to sum this whole post up by saying Fxxx Stonewall Columbus, Fxxx Columbus Pride and everything else that goes with it!
Oh yeah…HAPPY PRIDE!!!