Dining out after bariatric surgery…

Dining out after bariatric surgery…

July 8, 2019 0 By Tahir Ali

Photo courtesy of Oprah.com

Since I let it be known that I had bariatric surgery, I get asked so many questions, and I love it! One of the questions I get hit with all of the time is, Do I still go out to eat? If I do…what do I eat? To answer the first question…of course, I go out to eat. I will admit, not as much as I did pre-surgery but I do go out every once in a while. Bariatric surgery is meant to begin a lifestyle change, not to take away from it. You’re just beginning to live again. Just like any other meal you eat post-surgery, when you go to a restaurant or fast food spot…you should be making smart choices. Luckily many restaurants have more “specialty diet” and smaller portion options. If they don’t…you can still enjoy something on the menu that’s within the scope of your new “diet.”

Portion Control Plate

Since having bariatric surgery, one of the many things that I’ve learned is to get used to leftovers…sometimes for DAYS; or for as long as the food is still good. Yes, it gets old and boring, but this is a part of the process. This is what we signed up for. But like everything else, we will adapt. Be sure to follow the same eating rules while dining out that you follow at home. You may be able to give yourself a little lead way…and I mean LITTLE!

Now, what do I actually eat when I go out to eat? Pretty much anything I want. The good thing is that I may want something bad for me, but mentally I won’t allow myself to order it. Can we say…GROWTH and DETERMINATION?!? I don’t only eat salads like I was asked by someone. But I do make sure that I get my protein (meat) and vegetables. Sometimes, if I’ve been good, I will treat myself to some mashed potatoes, french fries, cinnamon apples (which aren’t too bad), macaroni & cheese, or rice pilaf. The heavy starches and high carbs don’t leave the restaurant with me. I’ll either give it to someone else or just get rid of it altogether. While everyone else is enjoying their desert…I’m ordering some coffee. One of the first things they told us during this process was when we go out to eat, is to have your server bring out a to-go box. Put half of your meal away in the box and only focus on what’s on your plate in front of you. To be honest, this is a brilliant idea, but honestly I rarely do it. Not smart, but once I’m full…I’m full. I don’t want to see any food for at least a few hours and no drinks with be consumed until about 20-30 minutes after I’ve had my last bite. I’ve overeaten a few times and trust and believe…I didn’t like the results of that. The last time was just the other night when I took a few more bites too many. The fear is that people will just sit there and continue to eat regardless if they’re full or not just because the food is in front of you. It sounds complicated, but it’s a habit now.

The main thing I can stress like everything else is to be smart; make wise choices. Don’t jeopardize everything you’ve accomplished and worked so hard and sacrificed so much for to treat going out to eat, or any meal for that matter, as if it’s your last supper, or as if you’ve never been out before. I know when I post and talk about these things I don’t give a simple step by step plan or instructions. I seriously can’t do that. I can only give my thoughts and what I actually do. Each person’s journey and their body is different from the other. You will have to find out what works for you. I just like to share what I do on my journey and hopefully, it will encourage and to give you ideas. Be sure to eat and to enjoy life!