Buy Black!
Yesterday was Juneteenth 2020 was a record-breaking day for black businesses here in C-Bus. I personally hit up two restaurants yesterday and the wait was crazy but it was absolutely worth every minute and every dollar spent. Even today, I was out on the south side, and on my way back home I was going to stop at B&K Smokehouse to get some green beans. That line was out of the door. I was so happy and filled with pride. Now my question is; will this last? I hope it does, and trust me I am asking myself as well. It’s hard to buy everything black because there are a lot of businesses and stores that we don’t have in this city where we need to buy necessities. With the internet, we have access to things, but really…who wants to wait for some toothpaste or toilet paper. I hate to sound like that but it’s realistic. Black business goes beyond food establishments. I’ve talked about this before, but once upon a time the black community actually supported one another. It was a time when we basically had no choice, but it was proven that it could be done. Hopefully, this weekend was a wakeup call that black business can be economically powerful again. But we need to continue the support. Don’t just support black businesses as a protest or because it’s a popular thing now, let’s continue to support and help with start-up businesses too. Don’t forget to check out and see if before you boycott or like I say, “I’m just not fucking with them anymore;” let’s not forget that some of the franchises are black-owned. We need to support those as well. It’s time to start hurting these white-owned businesses where it hurts…right in their pockets. And yes…it is to prove a point.