Reasons as to when it comes to Terry Crews, I say…”Who?”

Reasons as to when it comes to Terry Crews, I say…”Who?”

July 8, 2020 0 By Tahir Ali

A read by Dannie B Speaks

When Don Lemon is the more woke one and has to educate you on what Black Lives Matter means…I say…”Who?”

2. When your career was built on playing coonish characters…I say…”Who?”

3. When a ni@@a gains fame by constantly shaking his breastesses…I say…”Who?”

4. When you have constant frown marks in your forehead no matter what mood you may be in…I say…”Who?”

5. When you are a 50+ year old man who shops at the Baby Gap for ALL of your shirts and your high water pants…I say…”Who?”

6. When you are more vocal about trying to diminish an important movement than you were about a grown ass, old ass, white man grabbing your dick… I say…”Who?”

7. When you downplay and won’t defend a black queen who says she was discriminated against…I say…”Who?”

8. When you are from Flint, MI and have not said one word or help in any way… I say…”Who?”

9. When you as a big ass black man says that your biggest fear is black people becoming the majority and “the supremacist”…I say…”Who?”

I could seriously go on but I’m gonna let this coon live!