Black people have saved the country once again…Dems…now it’s your turn to return the favor.

So…the people have spoken…mainly black people…mainly black women; and now Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are the President-elect and Vice President-elect respectively. This was a history-making election in many ways. One is that this election turned out the most voters ever in the history of any election. Another is that the country has elected not only the oldest President in history but the first black-Indian American woman to an executive office. Also an HBCU grad I might add. However, the fight is long from over because Trump and his crew are going to try and pull every stunt possible. Even though none will have any basis…still they’re going to attempt it. Not only that…the delusional Trump cult is still out there lurking and ready to strike.
But let’s talk about how black people have once again showed up and showed out for this country. Biden won every single major city that has large black populations. In the end…it was cities like Detroit, Atlanta, Pittsburgh, and Philadelphia that officially sealed the deal. So stop saying that my vote doesn’t count, because it definitely does. Let’s start with the true MVP of all of this and that is the legend…Stacey Abrams. After losing (and I use that word very loosely) her race for governor of Georgia in 2018, she dedicated herself to getting people to register to vote. She worked with big names and got people on board in other cities to spread her agenda. And guess what…it worked! One woman, a black woman STACEY ABRAMS started this movement, and look where we are now. Most of us are at a point where we can finally exhale. I haven’t slept well all week. Now I feel like I can relax. When the announcement was made that Joe Biden won, I instantly felt a huge weight off of my shoulders. I haven’t seen so many happy people altogether at once in years. Usually when crowds have been getting together over the past four years was to protest some BS that Trump did.
The democratic party needs to understand who has been carrying the party for so many years now. Personally, I no longer consider myself a Democrat. Actually, I don’t associate myself with any political party. Even though I do still vote democratic leaning, I consider myself militant and I want to see some serious changes for black people who since being brought over here as slaves, have helped build, maintain, and save this country over and over again. So now I have to ask the leaders of the democratic party…what are you going to do for us. Everyone needs to understand that only so much can get done when we have a Republican Congress and Republican Senate in the majority so we need to continue this movement and start getting the majority of Democrats and Independents in there. Get more people of color in political office on all levels. Let’s start there…and while we’re at it, continue to make these politicians accountable for their lack of support to the black community and make them get shit done for us. The Biden/Harris administration has a plan for black America (all you have to do is go to the website and READ, instead of listening to these celebrities trying to distract us…but I digress), so now…we all have to hold them to it.