Dave Chappelle: The Closer…When you “listen” with a closed mind
My black LGBTQIA+ community…please stop letting these white folks get you riled up. What Dave Chappelle said in his new Netflix stand-up comedy special, “The Closer,” was nothing but the truth and should not have been taken to heart the way that some took it. This is a huge problem that I have with these young blacks in the “alphabet mafia” as well as our alleged white counterparts of the community. Now, as usual, Dave needs to be canceled and we should boycott his comedy special…yada, yada, yah. And why? Because he spoke the truth as usual? Is it because he made us think? Did he come at us in an intelligent way as he always does? Is it because you don’t like that type of teaching? Or…is it because you want to try and cancel another undeserving black person at the white man’s hand. It’s a shame that when a comedian or anyone has something to say about a “marginalized community, they need to make a full speech prior to going in and let us know that they pretty much come in peace. So let’s get into it…
Let’s start with his comments about Da Baby. I for one am still not happy with the comments that Da Baby made on stage a couple of months ago about HIV and AIDS (which I’m sure he doesn’t know the difference, but I digress). However, I was never a fan; I barely even knew who he was and I couldn’t tell you one song of his or even a feature that he has been on. So what he said was wrong and pissed me off, but it wasn’t enough to get me hate someone and cancel them because at the end of the day…he does nothing for me…and that’s no shade, just a fact. Didn’t you all find it funny that so many white celebrities, news outlets and black adjacent celebrities (you know who I’m talking about) had so much to say about Da Baby and his comments, but have remained silent about black men, women and children being killed at the hands of white people and law enforcement. Oh…we don’t want to ruffle any feathers now do we? But, they will always come out and speak on things where it may feel like the LGBTQIA+ community is being demoralized. Why is this? Let me let you in on a little secret…It’s all about the “gay coin” that feeds their pockets. They could care less about the black coin as we all should know by now, but y’all aren’t ready for that discussion. But they better not fuck up that “gay coin” though. What I found the most ironic about Dave’s segment on Da Baby was some information that never came out during his curfuffle with the community. Before Da Baby became famous, he was charged with killing someone…yes you guessed it, a black man. Honestly, I didn’t know anything about that, but like I have mentioned, I didn’t even know who that child was. But, this was the point that Dave was trying to make; and of course, the sensitive at heart completely missed it because you went in watching and listening with a closed mind. It is what so many people have been saying for years…it is okay in some people’s eyes that a black person is killed, but don’t you dare come at the gay and trans community. They don’t have to openly say it…it’s the actions for me. I’m about action as well as words.
Dave also asked the question if white LGBTQIA+ people can be racist? HELL THE FUCK YES THEY CAN! And there are plenty of them. I have seen it for myself. I have been out and seen so many white queens (gays) make racist statements. There have been fights in clubs and other places because of this and of course, the black person is always held accountable because, well..aren’t we always. And the comments that come after show the racism within the community which I have spoke on for years. This is the main reason why I don’t do “gay functions.” I refuse. Judge your mammy! And let’s just put out why this happens. At the end of the day, they will use their sexuality, gender identity or whatever to get what they want, but when they don’t get their way, it is “because I’m gay and I’m going to sue for discrimination.” And yes, I promise you that I have heard people that I personally know use this. Just like how white women benefit from Affirmative Action more than black people is because their mindset is always set on, I should never be discriminated against. For example, if they don’t get a particular job then they were discriminated against. But when it comes down to it, and they don’t need that crutch to lean on, they are right back to being well…white. Even when they know why they didn’t get that job, that apartment, or loan…whatever…it is because you solely felt entitled. You know in your heart of hearts that your race should and always win out. You know that you have the upper hand. So when they don’t get what you want, oh…now you are being discriminated against. Stop it!
Black gay activists!!! Dear BLACK GAY ACTIVISTS…you should be ashamed of yourself for falling right into the trap. It is the same trap used by people to divide the straight black community against the black LGBTQIA+ community when there needs to be no divide. Y’all are the only ones online and on TV calling for Netflix to remove his comedy special. Now I see why people are called sheep. I get it now. I mean…did you hear anything that he said, or were you just listening for certain key words followed by laughter? Did you even watch it? Oh yes…let’s talk about that real quick…I also found it beyond crazy that many people who were coming at Dave didn’t even watch his stand-up special yet. It seems that they are just going by what is being said by other people who are way off and slow as hell to not get what he was saying. This is why those of us who have watched it, (I’ve watched it twice so far), are completely confused and “behooved” by the outrage. I know many will disagree with me and that is fine, so let’s talk about? What did you take from Dave Chappelle’s: The Closer? What makes you think Dave is transphobic? One who is transphobic is y’all’s good girlfriend Caitlyn Jenner but y’all aren’t ready for the convo either. Check that one! Also check on why the rest of the community is giving hell to the Trans community and are staying silent. Just like Dave said…I can’t stand these young gays. Get those of us who have been in the life before all of this sensitive shit has come to life. Please watch and carefully listen to what he is saying. If you still feel the same way, that is your business; just please stop letting people divide us. Enough is enough.