Politricks: It’s time for Progressive’s to form their own party…
…and not political; just the Progressive Party; and for real this time. Enough playing nice and trying to team up with these weak “Moderate” Democrats. A Moderate Democrat is just another name for a conservative who calls themselves a Democrat. I’m not here for it. The party has always coward down to the GOP, but this shit going on now is just pathetic and embarrassing. I am only affiliated with the Democratic party to vote, but I do not consider myself a Democrat. I have my own party damnit…”Militant Progressive.” I love how that sounds and it feels amazing. I honestly despise being affiliated with the Dems, but I really have no choice. I did attempt to change my political party to the Independent Party, but it was more challenging to vote which is bullshit. It feels like they are forcing us to vote either Democrat or Republican. This two-party system is just not realistic anymore. I have become so disenchanted with politics over the past few years. Like to the point where I really don’t care anymore. Am I going to stop voting…of course not? But some shit has got to change. In saying that, I think it is time for another valid political party to join the ballots. Let’s be real, more registered Democrats would definitely join the Independent Party if it carried the same weight as the other two main political parties. It’s time to disassociate with the Democratic Party.
Believe it or not, but the Progressive Party used to actually be a thing. The Progressive Party (often referred to as the “Bull Moose Party”) was a third party in the United States formed in 1912 by former President Theodore Roosevelt after he lost the presidential nomination of the Republican Party to his former protégé and conservative rival, President William Howard Taft. The Progressive Party consisted of liberals, agrarians, Republican progressives, socialists, and labor representatives. Well…that sounds similar to what Progressives are today. But can we also add people who are fed the fuck up?!? That would be me and quite a few others that I know. Even though it was formed out of spite, today it needs to be reformed out of desperation. Many of us haven’t been happy with many nominees for various office positions, not just president, but almost everything on either side. The Republicans tried to form the Tea Party which is pretty much what the Republican Party has turned into today. As much as they tried to distance themselves from the Tea Party and their obvious racist, bigoted, homophobic, misogynistic…just all-around terrible views; they fell right back into it. Those members of the Republican Party who hold these strong views have completely taken over the party and the rest of the Repubs have had to fall in line just to try and get power. I mean, they’re already terrified of the Progressives in office now. They call them “Socialists.” Oooooh…scary! Like that’s a bad thing. I can’t stand them!
But Dems…not so fast. I’m not done with you. You aren’t much better in my eyes acting like some punk bitches and scary as all hell. Seeing what the Republican party has turned into, there’s no way that I would vote for any of them…(unless my good sis Anna Navarro runs for President). I have no clue at what you all are trying to prove by this thing of wanting to play nice and work with a party who openly admits that they want you to fail regardless if it is at the expense of our entire country and livelihood. Yet…here you all are, sitting out here looking stupid and weak. I SAID IT! You all need to get out of this bubble of bitchassness and realize that so many voters, of all ages, but especially younger voters have become tired of your shit. ALL OF IT! Black voters, women (especially black women), and younger voters are the ones that are helping you all win these seats. Then what happens once you get in positions of “power,” you aren’t doing anything. No one would know that you all are supposed to be running the White House, the Senate, and the House. You wouldn’t know it. Doesn’t look that way to me. Doesn’t look like you all are the majority whether it be a small majority or not. Not only are you not doing anything, but everything that happens is going against those who voted you in office; our interests and our needs. With you all being some scary bishes, it makes me think that you just don’t care. You are more worried about how you look and making the other party and their followers mad than doing what you know needs to be done. But at who’s expense? At the expense of those who keep putting you in office. You should know by now that we will turn on you all so damn quick. Get it together.
I’m going to need all of the Progressives in Congress and those wanting to run for office, including the President; to get out there and start running as a Progressive. People will catch on. Especially those of us who aren’t affiliated with any parties anymore. Not that anyone has to actually be affiliated with any political party, just get it poppin’ so that those of us can have a place to call home in the ballot booth. I can guarantee you that many of the people who aren’t registered to vote will register, or those who just don’t vote at all will start voting when they see the Progressives actually distance themselves from the Dems and tackling the real issues and the people. It’s time. It has been time.