The Library is Open…Dear Caitlyn Jenner,

May 15, 2016 0 By Tahir Ali

I really have been trying to avoid doing this. I honestly have. I completely support you and I have nothing but the utmost respect for your decision in finally living in your truth and becoming who you felt that you always have been. No one understands (except other people struggling with gender identity) what you went through for 64-65 years of your life before making the bold decision to transition. However, this read is not going to be about all of that as I have no problem with it. This read will be about your attention whoring and using this platform that you have been put on solely because of your name. I don’t like how people disrespect the transgender community and do things like still call you Bruce, say you’re just a man in a dress and other things. Those people just don’t understand and they don’t have to understand what it means to be transgender but at least have some respect. Any who….back to you…

Now me, like everyone else was totally shocked when of all people Bruce Jenner announced that he was transitioning from a man to a woman. I think that I can speak for most people when I say that we didn’t see that one coming. Then boom…here’s Caitlyn. I got it…I understood. I see that you have become the unofficial spokesperson for the transgender community just based off of your star power and name. I get that’s not a title that you were planning on having especially seeing how you have absolutely no idea what it means to be transgender except dressing in pretty clothes and wearing make-up. Well…maybe you do know more than you portray to know, but since your transition you have done nothing but say and do stupid and disrespectful things. Not only to the transgender community, but you are offending women as well. This whole media whore thing is just out of control. We all saw you play the background while married to Kris Jenner. You didn’t appear to like the attention at all. Maybe that’s because you just weren’t comfortable with who you were. This is why people respect Janet Mock, Laverne Cox, Chaz Bono and other transgender people. They didn’t make a mockery out of transitioning which you may not be aware that you are doing but you are. They are informed and educated to the point where that’s not even the first thing we think about when they speak, act or whatever; regardless if you know they’re transgender or not. You were thrown to the wolves by the media, but it was up to you what you were going to do with this new attention you were getting. You could either use your voice in a positive way or a negative way. I’ve seen very few if hardly any positive things you have done…I’ve seen more of that latter and I can’t take it anymore.

First of all…your political affiliation. Let me preface…I know that you have lived your whole life up until the last couple of years as a white, conservative, rich, republican man. I get it. It’s hard to let that go just over night. You have your beliefs that have been established in you for decades…I get it. However…sis…you need to realize that you are NOT that person anymore and they are not here for you in any kind of way. You jumped out immediately and supported Ted Cruz slow ass saying that you met him a few years ago and he was very nice and supportive of you. Well…I would think so seeing how he met Bruce and not Caitlyn. He doesn’t support any kind of LGBT rights or anything (which by the way is the community you belong to now…whether you like it or not). Then after the backlash you received from any decent human being…not just those in the LGBT community…you turn around and say Donald Trump and his hair let you use the women’s restroom at Trump Tower. Ummmm…OK? I would think that’s the restroom you would use regardless. You aren’t in those bigoted states that are enforcing the “law.” BYE to that!

FullSizeRenderI’m not going to blame you for winning woman of the year courage award thingy at the ESPY’s last year. Most people complaining wouldn’t have given an award back regardless if they felt someone deserved it more or not so people can save that. My problem with you though is the you post dumb shit like this pic to the left all of the time. You make it seem like the only good thing about being a woman is dressing in pretty clothes and wearing makeup. Hell…you were playing in Kris and Kim’s closets for years. Cross-dressing and being Transgender are two TOTALLY different things. Obviously…it was more than that for you to completely transition. And FYI madame…men do facials too. All of the time to be exact. I would hope with this decision you made that you realize there is more to being a woman than playing dress up and doing “girly” things. As for your dating life…another memo you missed is gender and sexuality are two completely different things. First you say you still love women and will date women. Then you say you are up for dating men. Which is it? If you want to date both…that’s your business, but quit making it seem like it’s not that big of a deal. That’s one of the reasons why people make these comments and believe that being gay and lesbian is a choice. You aren’t helping the fight.

We all know that you will NEVER know what it is to be a biological woman, but regardless if people like it or not…you are now living your life as a woman. I just wish you would’ve done more research on the transgender community…hell…the whole LGBT community as a whole. You should’ve joined a support group or something. Maybe you did…but the way that you are out here acting, it’s like you just don’t get it. You don’t understand the struggle and past of many people within the community and those still fighting. Everyone doesn’t have millions of dollars and can go on ahead and transition on a Tuesday. And if you really did say you are or you were having second guesses about your transition, then come out and retract your statement…save it! You know that you have to watch what you say and how you say it. Like all of my other reads…I know you won’t read this, but I just felt I had to address my issues with you. I hope you sit back and get your life together. I know you won’t but I wish those close to you would sit your ass down and teach you some things. Use your platform, celebrity and show for good (I’m still not watching it). I know you have a good heart and I commend you for living in your truth. You probably have the best intentions when you speak, but it’s not coming across that way. You just appear thirsty for attention and uneducated on the community that you are a part of regardless if you like it or not. Get it together!