The word for 2018 is…HUMBLE!!!

December 29, 2017 0 By Tahir Ali

This isn’t going to be a long post at all; or maybe I should say not as long as I really want it to be. I seriously can talk about this here particular topic forever all while giving numerous examples that may end up touching and agreeing with some of y’all in a way that you may not want it to. I’m sure many won’t see their role in the reason as to why this post was necessary, and that’s perfectly fine. It’s just that I have questions. And anyone who knows me knows that when I have questions I need answers and clarification.

I’m really trying to figure people out lately? It’s like all at once, so many people have lost their minds and just said, F’ it! “F’ it: I’m going to make posts calling women bitches” (even if I’m married, have daughters, a mother, grandmother, etc.) “F’ it! I’m going to make posts all day where I’m shading one particular person” (whom you won’t name and who may or may not even be on social media.) “F’ it! I’m going to make you all think that I’m living this life that you wish you could live, let y’all know how good that I want you all to think I’m living better than you” (when I’m truly just insecure about who I am and not really content with who I am). I seriously could go on and on, but I’ll just let your insecurities show throughout these social media posts. I don’t know how many times it has to be said, but social media has been the downfall of normal people and their behavior for year’s. It’s just reached an all-time high. You can be anyone you want to be on the internet. Why try to impress so many people period, but especially with BS? I want so whole heartedly to blame the “Trump Effect” for this, but I don’t know anymore. Anyway…in saying this and through all of it, STAY HUMBLE!

Now before people get all int heir feelings, no one is saying don’t be proud of your accomplishments. Of course you should be extremely proud. I for one love very nice things and I’m extremely proud of everything I’ve accomplished in my life. However, I don’t throw them in people’s face. Maybe because I live in the real world and I know that I can lose ALL OF THIS at any minute; especially the way things are today in this crazy world. So, stay humble! Some think they’re being cute and witty, but it’s really sad as well as annoying. We must remember that there’s a big difference between being proud and just being an arrogant, attention seeking ass. One of my great-aunts used to always say…”You can always tell those Niggas who ain’t never had shit!” That saying still stays true to this day and is one of the realist statements ever made. Mind you, this doesn’t strictly apply to material and monetary things; but…I mean let’s just go there. It can pertain to…let’s say something like love (be humble). It’s really sad when adults feel the need to try to make other’s feel low to make themselves feel better. Why? What’s the purpose? As a Muslim, I don’t believe in karma, but we say there’s always something waiting around the corner because the energy you put out is what you will receive back. I don’t get why people who continue to have bad luck; downfall after downfall, etc…don’t look at themselves to try and change their ways. Moving forward…stay humble!(I told y’all I have questions!)

Just be thankful and remain blessed while we continue to grow and prosper. Be there for each other and even for other’s that you don’t know. I want to challenge everyone to donate and/or volunteer for organizations that will make a difference in someone’s life. Use that negative energy and turn it into something positive. If you already donate and/or volunteer, please continue. Let’s make 2018 a great year!

P.S. Continue to be petty though; but all in good fun. Not at other’s expense.