Dear Mo’Nique…..GUUURRRRLLLLL!!!

January 28, 2018 0 By Tahir Ali

Now I haven’t had to do a “Dear” letter in a long time. However, enough is enough! Mo’Nique’s antics over the past few years have led me to the point where it’s time to finally give my opinion on this. I have so much to say so this post may be a little lengthy, but then again, I may finally get so irritated with myself for even wasting time and energy on this that it could end up being a short post. We shall see. Regardless of how I feel…she will be properly and deservedly GATHERED! So let’s get to it…shall we?

Dear Mo’Nique…GIRL BYE and GOODNIGHT!!! First of all…I’m not boycotting SHIT! We only hear from you when things aren’t going your way. At first I thought this was just a way for you to get attention and stay relevant. Which I do believe is a motive here, but I’m being led to believe at how crazy and delusional you are coming off that there’s something more going on here. I also thought maybe you were just hungry. You’re a big girl and don’t seem to be eating a lot these days. This led me to that this is definitely something mental…because GURL! I mean…just STOP! Let me get this straight. You want us to boycott something because you didn’t continue to stay for negotiations that Netflix was willing to participate in with you. That sounds like your fault to me. All you wanted the children to know was that you were offended by that low $500,000 offer they started with. I don’t care who it is and how much I am a fan of their’s. I don’t care how talented someone is. I will always feel absolutely nothing for anyone being offered $500,000 off rip. I already feel that these celebrities get paid way too much. I don’t care. .Yes…I said it. We all know that there’s a big difference in the pay that women get from men and that black celebrities get than white celebrities. But that’s not what’s going on here and you know it. I’m all for supporting my brothers and sisters when things go wrong and appear to be unfair…but…that’s not what’s going on here. Your irrational reasoning for this so-called outcry is completely selfish. Times must really be hard over there. Well guess what!?! Many people are struggling one way or another. But you love us! And you’re doing this for us. Yeah…okay! So nope…you won’t get me girl!

My question to you is; where have you been this entire time while we’re trying to fight for bigger issues that affect us all and not just your pockets? I haven’t heard a peep from you about the police shootings, the Black Lives Matter revolution, this idiot’s and his racist crew in the White House, the Me Too movement and many other issues that have been going on in most recent years. It’s a lot going on just incase you haven’t noticed. So again I ask…Where have you been? We only hear from you when it’s self-serving. Your “Black-Balled” crusade was cute. I actually thought it was quite precious. (No pun intended). You seem to always fail to mention why people don’t want to work with you. How convenient. I’ve always said about people who continue to have issues with EVERYONE they come across is that there’s one common denominator in these issues. YOU! If everyone is saying the same thing about you…what does that mean? There’s been talk around the industry for years how you are a nightmare to work with. On photo shoots, movie sets, radio shows, talk shows, etc. I mean…not to mention that you were fired from both your talk show and radio show because of your attitude. And it’s not only you that has completely damaged your career. It’s also your husband who is damaging your career as well. He is a big enabler to your madness. You have him in your ear and calling the shots. I don’t know if he’s your manager or not, but he needs to go. He’s just trying to secure his bag. A few more years of this and you not pulling any money in…he’s gone. He’ll pull a Kendu Isaacs and try to take you for everything you have and then some. If that happens, I for one will say that I don’t feel sorry for you at all. You dug this hole for yourself.

Your career is a wrap! Let’s go back to this Netflix situation and just keep it real about the truth of the whole thing. You’re all in Dave Chappelle, Chris Rock and mainly Amy Schumer’s business and pockets. First of all…Dave and Chris are more relevant than you. They cross over to different audiences. But…you know what else those two have that you don’t? Millions of people anticipating their respective comebacks. No one has been checking for you sis! Now let’s get into Amy Schumer. At this point in time, Amy is much more relevant than you are. Her audience is bigger than you are. People are checking for Amy…not you. So for you to try to compare relevancy and career right now is null and void. Putting people’s business out there like that. Then you tried to drag Wanda Sykes in there like she was going to have your back. Wanda has a larger audience than you do. And if Netflix didn’t meet her pay demands, what made you think they would with you. I’m sure Wanda was disappointed in not getting a deal, but she did the mature thing. Walk away, keep a good relationship with Netflix and come back later to talk a deal. But no…not you! You had to of course play the victim as antagonizers do and start something that you can’t finish. Now it’s got out of hand and you’re walking around looking dumb as hell. Trying to ruin everyone else in the process. Like I said above…nope…you won’t get me!

Before I forget…Dear Jada Pinkett-Smith…now sis…I really like you. Been a fan since you were on A Different World. However, you need to sit this one out. We don’t hear from you either. When your husband was winning awards and getting accolades from his mediocre acting you silent about other issues and other actors and actresses of color getting snubbed. However, we didn’t hear from you about the unfair treatment of black actors and actresses in Hollywood until Will wasn’t nominated for an Oscar in that horrible move he did a couple of years back with the horrible African accent. He didn’t deserve the nomination in the first place. Now you want to come to Mo’Nique’s defense talking some nonsense about we don’t have to agree with her words and her approach, but she has a valid point. I guess…just like you did too. A self-serving and selfish point. So good-bye and goodnight to you as well. Now I done went and got all pissed off! Y’all are a trip! Wanna call plight to issues that don’t affect everyday life for us regular folks, but want people on your side when it serves you. There are plenty of black actors and actresses that are better than Will. I’m sorry but they are. Many of them deserve not only the nominations but also the awards. I have NEVER heard you say anything in support of them.

Having the most awards than a lot of comedians doesn’t really mean much. Especially when none of your awards have been for a stand-up comedy special or even an album. I bring this up because you called yourself “the most decorated comedian living.” I strongly beg to differ. First of all, your awards were for a television show (yes a comedy, but none the less…a television show) and a dramatic role in a movie where it appears from the looks of your actions and mental state that you weren’t playing too far out of character. And for the record…Whoopie Goldberg is the most decorated comedian of ALL-TIME! She’s one of only TWELVE people who have what’s called the EGOT. That means they have won an Emmy, Grammy, Oscar and a Tony. Then you had the nerve to say that Whoopie isn’t a stand-up comedian. Since when? I’m younger than you, but I clearly remember Whoopie doing stand-up for years as well as her Grammy being for a what…a STAND-UP comedy album. To me she’s the most decorative comedian. You are even more delusional than I can tolerate.

That’s all that I can give Mo’Nique right now. I just can’t deal with this type of non-sense from someone like this. I wish her nothing but the best and hope that she can find something to do to make the money before she’s calling that bankruptcy attorney. So get right, tell your husband to get a job and both of y’all need to get some help.