2019 Wrap-up…The year of lessons learned and growth

I believe every day should be looked at as a new start and a brand new beginning. If we are blessed to wake up the next day we better make it worth it. So what does that say for the new year? The same exact thing in my opinion. I look at it that way just on a much larger scale. Around this time of the year, I like to reflect on everything that happened during the current year. I look at many, many things; such as who and what I’m bringing into the new year with me, how I plan on expanding my career how to and most importantly…what did you learn and how will you grow from it. This isn’t all that I reflect on, but at this point in my life, these seem like the most important things for me to look in to.
In 2020 I know that I will work more on myself and what makes me happy. I’ve spent 40 years doing what made everyone else happy and comfortable and now it’s my turn. It’s my turn to make myself a priority and to find happiness in myself. In 2020 I will be making my podcast and blog the number one priority along with everything else to make my brand grow into more than it is. 2019 was a good year, but I’m calling for 2020 to be the best year so far.
2020 is the year of absolute self-care. I will get to my overall weight loss goal. I will physically and mentally take care of myself. I will continue to set other personal goals for myself as well. In 2020 I will only be dealing with people who have shown me that they care for and respect me as a person. There are people who tolerate you and have you around solely for their benefit. Then when it gets down to it, you always end up being the one ass out and getting hurt. That’s enough of that shit! Lessons have been learned…take care of yourself first. I will only be dealing with people who will make me a better person. I will only deal with people who show positivity and growth in their own life. No more drama, no more stagnant people, no more dealing with people who are doing the same shit that they were doing years ago.
2020 is a year for me to be me! I stopped caring what people said and thought about me years ago, but this upcoming year…my 40th year on this earth I could give a single, solitary you know what of other’s thoughts and opinions on who I am, how I live, who I love, etc. Nobody needs that negativity in their life. I heard someone say before and it has stuck with me for years; “What you think about me is not my business.” If that isn’t a complete and total mood then I don’t know what is.
So that’s it! I’m not one to rush time, but I am definitely ready for 2019 to come to a close and to bring on 2020. I want to wish everyone a happy and safe new year. Let’s make 2020 one of our best years ever!