2020 Goals!!!

December 27, 2019 0 By Tahir Ali

In a previous post, I talked about what I learned in 2019 and how I plan to proceed going forward. I usually don’t speak too much about what I want to do and where I want to go. I’ve always been a private person about everything. However, this journey I’m on is teaching me to be more open about certain things. This is really nothing big and probably nothing new that I’ve spoken on before. In 2020 I want to make a huge change in my life. Financially, personally and professionally. It is seriously time for me to live for me. To do what I want to do. I will be there only for those who truly need me. I plan on being super busy this upcoming year. My top 10 goals of 2020 are:

  1. Building my savings up to be a ridiculous amount of money.
  2. Read 2 books a month. One book that will help me personally whether that is with money, my psyche, educate me, etc; and one book that is more of a “fun” read.
  3. To piggyback off of number 1, I will continue on my financial journey and a life of being debt-free.
  4. I will get to my goal weight.
  5. Do more for me. Treat, pamper and spoil me.
  6. Work on my organization skills.
  7. Stay productive.
  8. Continue to create content. New, exciting and interesting content.
  9. Stay home more and focus on my business so that I can grow my business.
  10. Purge, live more minimalistic.

What are your goals and personal accomplishments for 2020?