Operation lose these final 30 pounds in full effect…LET’S GO!!!

November 21, 2021 0 By Tahir Ali

Over the past 4 years, I have lost over 160 pounds. That is a WHOLE ASS, GROWN ASS person. I am so proud of my accomplishments and even though I have had other setbacks health wise, I am still more than determined to get these last 30 pounds off to hit my first goal ever. Yes, I set a huge goal for myself from the beginning. I knew that I could get there and I also knew that it would take time. I plan on losing more than that, but these next 30 are my most important. I will have then hit my first goal weight. I’m as excited about this as I was when I first started this journey. It won’t be easy, but I am going to do it. I have yet to set a goal date to reach this milestone, and I’m not sure that I want to. I know for some that may seem to defeat the purpose of setting a goal, and even though I can work under a deadline, I don’t want any added pressure with something like this.

When I first started this journey, I was dealing with minimal health problems; believe it or not. I had acute indigestion that not only caused my digestion tract to be completely thrown out of wack, but it also caused me to gain weight at an uncontrollable pace. Acute indigestion can be fatal and before any of that, I had to take action and quick. That is why I decided to go the bariatric route. Not only would they remove the part of my stomach that was damaged, but it would also give me a head start at losing weight. I was so thankful about that even though I was terrified to have surgery. But I made it through, not once but twice.

So what am I doing to lose the weight? Is there anything that I am doing differently than before? Well, honestly…no. Nothing drastic at least. I’m still eating what I want within reason and making sure that I limit my sugar and carb intake. Always, always, always focus on protein before anything else. If I don’t get a gallon of water in everyday then I have completely failed for the day. That’s the mindset I am going with now. Exercise wise, I am doing 30-40 minutes of cardio 6 days a week. Until it gets really cold outside I am walking as well. I usually walk around my neighborhood one time or I will go on a nature trail for a mini hike. I’m not doing anything strenuous when it comes to working out until I get to my goal weight. That’s when I will work on toning up. Right now, I’m focused on the weight loss and solely that. I’m a realest, I am about to be 42 years old and even though I have been losing weight, I know things are really about to slow down. That’s just Mother Nature taking her course, so that means that I need to work that much harder. Another reason why I am just focusing on one thing at a time. I’ll check back in to keep an update on how things are going.