Why do I keep buying clothes?
Now, I’m not saying that I don’t love clothes, because I absolutely do. The thing is, I honestly don’t need any clothes. I’m still working from home, and I haven’t been going anywhere that requires a new outfit. The truth of the matter is that this is all mental. As much as I love clothes, and as much as I don’t need clothes; I can’t stop buying them. Once upon a time, I was unable to buy most of my things directly off of the rack. It was hard; damn near impossible because of my size at the time. Also, let’s be honest, clothes of a certain size are not too attractive. And the ones that are, they are too expensive or hard to find. And let’s talk about the price. They kill me how for the same exact shirt, and a few more inches of fabric, they will charge you almost double the damn price. So pretty much, I would have to buy most of my stuff online; hence how my online shopping addiction started.
It’s just something about being able to buy what I want when I want and where I want. I posted on social media a few months ago that I went from buying tops in a 4xl or 5xl, to buying them in a large within 4 years. I remember a couple of posts that I wrote a little while ago, “I Bought My First Pair of Jeans in 7 Years” where I spoke about being able to buy some nice, comfortable slim jeans and they fit perfectly…well for me. I also wrote, “I Bought Pants Out of Forever 21” and my astonishment on first of all going in there, but then actually buying clothes out of there that fit…SHUT UP! Remember when I brought up money in the last paragraph, let’s talk about having plenty of options in the sale and clearance racks. Especially since I keep losing weight, I’ve been trying to buy from the sale and clearance area, but the other parts of the store, they call me.
The thing that really opened my eyes to me buying clothes and not really needing to is I had an event to go to last month and I actually thought about what I wanted to wear and didn’t have a sweater that fit the way I wanted it to. I was able to run to the mall, pick one store, I found exactly what I was looking for, and hit it back home. At the event where I was speaking, people were complimenting my outfit, which in my opinion wasn’t much, but now that I look back…yes I was cute; me being completely oblivious to it at first though LOL. But anyway, later back at home it really hit me. Before getting the “right outfit,” I had to plan ahead and make sure that I would have time to shop around online, order what I needed and wait for it to come hoping and praying that it fit. This time, that wasn’t the case. I was in and out of the store, and back home within an hour. When I sat back and really thought about it, that was when I felt like another milestone had been hit. Maybe not one I planned for or expected to stand out, but it was a milestone nonetheless.
I say all of this to say, it’s the little things. Now, this little thing may cost me money, but it is still an unexpected feat in my journey that has completely changed my life in such an amazing way. It’s just another thing that makes me feel good. It makes me feel normal again. It makes me want to continue to work harder to get to my other goals. Not only health-wise but with my business along with any and everything else that I want in life. Who knew that something so many people take for granted, of course without knowing they do; who knew that buying clothes off of the rack can help open up so many other things that you see for yourself and to make yourself a better person? Who knew? Just know that it is the little things that can turn into something bigger.