LOCAL EVENT: The Chef’s Table with Chef Darryl

  Come sit down with one of the most talented chef’s out here. Chef Darryl of Black Alabaster is having his very first event showcasing six courses of passion and talent through food and wine. Hosted by Si Señor Peruvian Sandwiches and More and featuring the smooth sounds of The David Swank Trio. $45 per…

By Tahir Ali July 25, 2018 0

Why did I start my blog?

I get asked two questions about my blog. Why did you start blogging? And…why I would invest money into creating one? I’ve always believed that when you have a passion for something and believe in yourself, you should invest in it. Regardless if it’s just your time, your money or both. That way you will…

By Tahir Ali July 22, 2018 0

I’ll always be a Toys R’ Us kid…..:*(

June 30, 2018 was a sad day. At least it was for me and I’m sure for many others. Especially those of us that grew up in the pre-internet age and pre online shopping age. I for one love online shopping, but feel bad because I’m contributing to the downfall of brick and mortar stores.…

By Tahir Ali June 29, 2018 0

Why I converted to Islam

Now that my very first Ramadan is over…I’ve decided to discuss just a few of the reasons why I converted to Islam almost two years ago. I will say since converting to Islam I feel this enormous shift in my life and how this shift has made me a better person. I spoke in a…

By Tahir Ali June 17, 2018 0

Why I don’t support Columbus Pride

I know some of y’all are like…Here she goes with her boycotts again! And I’m like…”YOU’RE DAMN RIGHT!” I treat people, places and things exactly how I’m treated. I don’t go anywhere or deal with anyone where I’m not wanted, respected and/or appreciated! So here we go…. It’s Pride week here in the capital city.…

By Tahir Ali June 14, 2018 0

Regrets after surgery

I get asked all of the time if I have any regrets about my surgery. Today, nine months later I absolutely have none. I’m loving the way everything is working and how I’m looking. It feels amazing to go shopping in the store and actually have options in sizes. I love being able to walk…

By Tahir Ali May 12, 2018 0

Disconnecting from social media

I decided around a month ago to start logging off of all social media at 8:00 pm; unless I’m contacted directly. And let me tell you…this has been the best decision that I’ve made in a long time. I use this as a time to pray, read, write, take a walk, workout and just wind…

By Tahir Ali May 6, 2018 0

Dear Andrew Caldwell…….SUS!!!!

Enough is enough girl! These shenanigans have gone on for far too long. It’s painfully obvious that you have SERIOUS, I mean SERIOUS mental issues. It’s apparent that your church (COGIC) is taking advantage of that disability you strongly possess. They’re using you to promote their homophobic agenda. Now First Lady…it’s obvious that you’re still…

By Tahir Ali May 4, 2018 0

Dear Kanye West…..

You know what…nevermind…I was going to write Kanye a “dear letter;” seeing how I haven’t written one in a while and I felt that he may need a strong one. Instead I think that I will just address this situation as I see it head on. From MY POINT OF VIEW! The reason why I…

By Tahir Ali April 26, 2018 0

All Summer 18’…Columbus Commons Summer Schedule

It amazes me how many people have lived in Columbus FOREVER and don’t realize that there’s so much to do in this city. Columbus has events going on all year-long…all over; with a majority of the events happening in late Spring throughout the Summer. When they knocked down City Center Mall, I was so devastated. That…

By Tahir Ali April 11, 2018 0