Dear Stacey Dash,

January 20, 2016 0 By Tahir Ali

Girl…it has finally come to this. I’ve tried my hardest for a couple of years now (since you’ve become the black face for Fox News)  to avoid actually going in on your ass because we all know you’re really nothing but just a bad joke and we all get it mama. We all got your number. However, the time has come for me to finally let you have it. This isn’t how I wanted to re-introduce my blog, but it needed to be done! Let me also put this disclaimer out here before people get all in their feelings…I am a firm believer that EVERYONE is entitled to their opinion (including me)…however, when your fake ass opinion isn’t really an opinion as it is just a way to keep your name out there and you start shit just to be a puppet for massa…that’s when I have a problem and the library gets open after hours specifically for you! I also believe that there it’s up to that individual if they’re a minority, LGBT, a middle or lower class republican…I don’t know why you would be, but that’s your prerogative. That’s the beauty of this country, we have the right to chose…well some us. So…on to the dragging…..

First of all…fuck you forever! You have got to be the biggest coon out here in these streets, like real talk. I think you may have beat out  Ben Carson (with his lying, flip-flopping ass) and Don Lemon (with his dumb, shit startin ass) because they seem to just want to fit in with what is hot at the moment and keep the pot stirred. The problem here is that you don’t know shit yet you always have an opinion about EVERYTHING when it comes to race and race relations. The reason I know this is a setup and we are all being punked is because your opinions are never about being positive or trying to bring unity; it’s always against black people and how everything that has been going on for hundreds of years is our fault, and how we should fix it. (And when I say WE, US, THEM, THEY, black people…this means you as well) You just say some of the most ridiculous, ignorant things I have ever heard in my life. The gag is, no one EVER talks about your ass until you jig right on over to the Fox News studios to coon, shuck and jive for these white folks. Guess what…they still don’t like you. No one takes you seriously, not even the great & wonderful conservatives who have decided to give you a job. NO ONE! They don’t care about you. You are nothing but just a pretty black face to say the same shit and they just coach your ass to take it up to the 10th power to get us angry black folks pissed off so they can say…look at them, they’re always mad about something. Now…I know you don’t consider yourself fully black. You say you’re Native American (yeah she’s one of those) but girl I hate to be the bearer of bad news, and as much as it pains me to say this…you are black sis! That’s how EVERYONE on the outside see’s you even your employer. That’s why you have a job girl! It doesn’t matter if you have good hair (which I saw you on LA Hair this past season when Jonathan Antin was trying tame that beast on top of your head so that’s debatable), doesn’t matter if you have green eyes, doesn’t matter your party affiliation, doesn’t matter how many old, rich white men you sleep with (yeah…she’s one of those) you are still BLACK! I came to the realization a while ago that you know exactly what you’re doing. You know how to keep your name out there and get controversy going. I’m also not one to hate against how folks get their money, but your hustle game sucks ass!

(Deep breath) After saying all of that, the main reason why I finally had to say something is because of your actions TODAY. You took your slow, confused ass down to the Fox News studios to talk about the Academy Awards boycott and lack of diversity within the Academy. Of course, in typical Stacey Dash fashion you took a complete left and said the most disrespectful shit. Of course they’re going to call their token to speak out on this…of course they are. They need to show that it’s only a few of us that have an issue so it shouldn’t even be an issue. You had the audacity to sit your ass in that chair and say that THEY (meaning you as well) need to get rid of BET, the BET Awards, The NAACP Image Awards, THE NAACP as a whole (the fuck), and…wait for it….BLACK HISTORY MONTH! You claim that WE’re the ones segregating ourselves, that WE never award white people on these award shows so WE shouldn’t complain about not getting awarded at the other award shows (the white award shows is what you’re actually referring to and you have NEVER even set a toe in any of these award shows, ‘black’ or ‘white’ yourself) we don’t show white people on black networks or even honor them at events. GIRL!!!! WHAT??? Now you know that’s a fuckin lie! Your statements were a slap in the face to those who actually had and still continue to have the courage to fight, speak out and stand up for equal rights. The people of ALL races that continue to take the abuse in the fight for not only equal rights but a place where we can be recognized, honored and show off our talents. You know as well as I do that there’s a reason as to why the NAACP was founded and why BET was started. (This will be in another post) I mean girl…Trump’s racist ass is co-signing with you so that says enough right there. I for one celebrate and study my history everyday. And it’s not just black history, its history period. In saying that…there’s still a need to have Black History month because it isn’t being taught and it’s swept under the rug all over this country. I went to predominately black schools growing up in the 80’s and 90’s and I didn’t fully learn about black history until I decided to take classes in college and continue to learn on my own. You’re calling out Black History month, but what about Asian American Heritage month, Native American Indian history month, Hispanic Heritage month and all of the other nationalities and races that are celebrated with their own history months and holidays? Why not call out the Latino Awards? That’s okay though because it’s not black? What you’re really doing is just like what Trump, Fox News and these other racist bastards are doing out here is giving ammunition to those who want to start a race war. Let me break it down to you like this, let’s make up a fictional scenario that I know some people really want to happen, but it will never happen.  Lets just say racist get bold enough to TRY and start an actual race war or send get extra fancy and gather our asses up and send us back to Africa or some shit…you will be right there on the boat with us. So buckle up sis! The nerve of you!

You may never read this ever in your lifetime, I’m pretty sure that you won’t and that’s perfectly fine. I felt that if I addressed your dumb ass directly I could get my point across more effectively. (It’s just my method) Meredith Vierra already made you look like the idiot you are when she put you on the spot about your views on certain issues and your facts, figures and receipts were all incorrect and didn’t add up! You know I lived!!!! I know you appear to be completely unfazed by the negative things that are said about you, but I truly believe that you are really miserable. I mean, why continue to subject yourself to all of this just to have your name in the blogs and on social media to make a few coins. Trust me…Fox isn’t paying her top dollar for her little segments every now & then. Lastly…You are a mother. I know your son with Christopher Williams is grown now, but you have a daughter who’s most likely a teenager and she has to deal with the fall outs from your bullshit. I’m also pretty sure you have brainwashed your daughter to believe she isn’t black, even though her mama is. Get your life together! Maybe you should take some acting classes so you won’t have to continue to play that one-dimensional teenage character at almost 50 years old (no shade) ever again. This way you can make a living for yourself, your children and not subject yourself to being coon of the day!