Columbus History: Restaurants
Just a fun little post that I did before when I first started my website; and of course it was one that magically disappeared. Oh no…I’m not bitter (side-eye). Anyway…the history nerd in me is always researching and looking up information; mainly on things here in Columbus, Ohio. I’ve always had this fascination when I see a building…
Allow me to re-introduce myself……..
Today marks the three-year anniversary of my website going live with its first post. Of course all of my writings from the first year were “lost” by my whack web host (which I will be getting rid of very soon). So I decided what a great day to re-introduce myself. I’m not neglecting my writing or…
STORY TIME: My Discussion on race with a Somalian Man
About ten years ago I was in the waiting room at the car dealership while my car was being serviced. I was just sitting there minding my business, drinking water and listening to my MP3 player when this young Somalian man; about my age, came and sat down across from me. I was about 26 or 27 at…
Dear Bobby Brown…
So…(deep sigh)…I finally finished reading R&B singer Bobby Brown’s auto-biography titled “Every Little Step” and let me just say this…Bobby…you’re about to get it. You TRIED the living and the deceased all in one swoop. First, let me start off by saying that the book to me was not a good read. It was all…
2016 BET Awards Recap, Read, Roast and Gathering………..Part 1
Last night the 2016 BET Awards aired via Viacom…meaning it aired on every single damn Viacom channel. Thank you corporate america! Now, I really don’t see it for the BET Awards and haven’t for some years now. I think that I was done when I saw Citi Trends as a sponsor. It seems from then…
2016 BET Awards Recap, Read, Roast and Gathering………..Part 2
The post is getting a little long, so I’m breaking it into two parts…. Alicia Keys…GIRL!!! Dear Alicia Keys! I mean! What happened sis? Please bring back the old Alicia Keys…preferably circa 2001-2005. That’s all I’m going to give you and your ‘Garage Band’ performance. Myself and others called it at the beginning of the show…
Who’s really the racist?
I was going to do a series of post on Facebook to address this reverse racism issue that is really becoming quite old. I’m sick of talking about race period but the reality of the situation is that racism is here and obviously not going anywhere. Some people appear to be confused with who and…
Kids, Criminals and Gorillas
Enough already with the damn gorilla. Yes it’s sad that the gorilla was killed but what had to be done was done. Now I’m not a parent but I know enough about kids and have been around kids for years to know that when a nosey, rebellious, inquisitive, hard-headed toddler tells you that they are…
Dear Pat Houston
Pat ‘Baldy’ Houston…I won’t take up too much of your time because trust and believe this won’t take long at all. I really don’t have the time, just like you don’t have the time to get your edges back. So I’ve been reading on social media that you’re auctioning off the late great Whitney Houston’s belongings.…
The Bandwagon Stops Here…….
Since the NBA Finals have finally started and we can say goodbye to another trash season of ‘professional basketball,’ I feel the need to address something. Let’s go ahead and talk about it. Let me get this off my chest and speak on this since my inbox was flooding with questions about why I’m hating on Steph…
About The Website
This is a blog created and ran by Danielle aka Dannie B Speaks. This blog focuses on current events, local events…as well as various thoughts and opinions.