Category: Short Stories

Haunted History Columbus:The Old North Graveyard…Columbus, Ohio

October is almost over and I haven’t done one, single local ghost story. I’m slipping! I’m sorry y’all. Better late than never I guess. Maybe I’ll throw a story out there every now and then year round. So what better day to squeeze at least one story in the blog. I’m pretty sure you all…

By Tahir Ali October 31, 2018 0

My health journey…Part 1: Accepting the worst

Everyone who knows me will tell you that I’m an extremely private person; like VERY private…it’s ridiculous. It takes me a while to open up to my family and close friends about things going on in my life…if I even choose to. Trust issues! In saying that, I decided that I wanted to keep it all…

By Tahir Ali January 3, 2018 0

October: Haunted Columbus – Dr. James Snook

If you think there’s scandal and mess going on today; this is nothing compared to what went on way back when. The ladies and gentlemen may have presented and carried themselves with class and dignity; they may have been dressed in suits and dresses that made them always look like they were about to attend…

By Tahir Ali October 13, 2016 0

October: Haunted Columbus – Jeffrey Dahmer

How many knew that serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer attended The Ohio State University for a very short period of time? I first heard about this in the late 90’s, just a few years after his death while I was a student there. A guy in one of my classes stayed in Morrill Tower on the same floor…

By Tahir Ali October 7, 2016 0

October: Haunted Columbus – Elevator Brewery and Draught Haus

In the spirit of October, Halloween and all of that (I may continue it after) I will highlight some haunted places around the city. Many of these places we all have been to or even frequent on a daily basis. One thing about being a history nerd is that while researching you uncover things that…

By Tahir Ali October 3, 2016 0

Columbus History: Graceland Shopping Center named after well known madame…I LIVE!!!

I’ve mentioned before that I always look at things around town and wonder what was there before. Everything has a story, everything has a history. When you research you can uncover so many interesting facts. My recent discovery gave me life! I heard about this a few of years ago while watching WOSU’s “Columbus Neighborhoods: Clintonville” episode, and…

By Tahir Ali September 2, 2016 0

STORY TIME: My Discussion on race with a Somalian Man

About ten years ago I was in the waiting room at the car dealership while my car was being serviced. I was just sitting there minding my business, drinking water and listening to my MP3 player when this young Somalian man; about my age, came and sat down across from me. I was about 26 or 27 at…

By Tahir Ali July 18, 2016 0