Category: My Journey

My health journey…Part 1: Accepting the worst

Everyone who knows me will tell you that I’m an extremely private person; like VERY private…it’s ridiculous. It takes me a while to open up to my family and close friends about things going on in my life…if I even choose to. Trust issues! In saying that, I decided that I wanted to keep it all…

By Tahir Ali January 3, 2018 0

2017…The year of self-reflection

I sat back and realized that I personally went through a lot this year: physically, mentally, spiritually and emotionally. As much as I went through this year, I am so thankful because in the end I came out a much better person on every level. The end of the year is a time of self-reflection…

By Tahir Ali December 30, 2017 0

Allow me to re-introduce myself……..

Today marks the three-year anniversary of my website going live with its first post. Of course all of my writings from the first year were “lost” by my whack web host (which I will be getting rid of very soon). So I decided what a great day to re-introduce myself. I’m not neglecting my writing or…

By Tahir Ali August 31, 2016 0